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« Intelligence Bonanza | Main | Worried - But Still Not Getting It »

November 18, 2009



Health care costs seem to be rising rapidly on their own...

Tom Bowler

Rising on their own? Doesn't the story say that the impetus for jacking prices is health care reform? How is that "rising on their own?" Companies are reacting to government action, or the threat of it.


So.. how much of the phrase "...increase in health care spending" apply to actual medical doctorin' of a patient?

I'm sure that a few "extra" middlemen (than there already are), each adding their "mandated" value added fees and taxes, will go a long way in broadening the Chinese/Indian/Pacific Rim medical tourism industry.

Does 3 extra salaries in-between me and my drugs, with three pages of "warnings" for every page of "New and Improved", so I can continue to dig ditches -and pay for the privilege- well into my golden years, count as job creation/saving?

I think the growing Antarctic "Ice floe" tourism industry may benefit as well, after enough folks simply refuse to just go along.
You all have your NEW travel documents in order, don't you?

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