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November 16, 2009


PJ Smith

The decision to try KSM seems so stupid I can only find a reason for the decision to do so by releasing my cynical side. It could be strategy.

Rahmbo, Axelrod and the gang have only one issue at the moment and that is the cornerstone of the collectivist future. The health care takeover is currently under assault as it worms its way through the senate. Call me crazy if you will, but I see this whole KSM circus as a possible distraction thrown up to divert conservative momentum in a different direction while Harry Reid musters his forces.

I don't know that it would work, but The conservative voices I heard over the weekend were not talking health care. If you can get Krauthammer, Limbaugh and Hannity off topic, you get less calls to senate offices from constituents.

Tom Bowler

I think there is another reason besides the opportunity to campaign against the Bush administration. The Democrat position has always been to treat terrorism as a law enforcement issue. Treating it as a war on terror means that administration powers, such as surveillance authority, expire when the war is over. With a law enforcement approach the administration is likely to have them forever. Democrats are all about government control.

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