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« Scott Brown For Senate | Main | Democrats On The Run »

January 05, 2010



Oh sure, I understand the value of ousting the ne'er-do-well folk of questionable integrity in my neighboring states. It might actually cut down
on the expense of maintainence on the well worn North bound lanes of interstate roads by all those moving vans. However, I'm inclined to reserve my "disposable" assets to reinforce a NH legislature that might inspire a freeloader unfriendly environment, and inspire Socialist/Fascist/Liberal/Progressive/Parasitic (by any other name) seek easier pickings elsewhere (say...south of New Hampshire, ideally Conn. or N.Y.)

Sadly this years slate of proposed legislation reflects a bunch of yahoos
born into attitudes from elsewhere, and
haven't quite made the connection between seeking refuge from oppressive taxation, and discovering there's less "free stuff" paid for by, um...someone else who's committed less to "big ideas" and more toward actually swinging a scythe, pitchin' the hay, milling the flour, and baking the bread. (and puttin' up stores in their "off" time)

There's plenty of unsolicited "big ideas" that have infected NH that I
gladly respond to with NOT ONE THIN DIME. I'll be damned if I'll gamble increasingly hard-to-come by "extra" treasure on someone else's clogged political septic tank, that the likes of ANY of Joe Kennedy's spawn, Barny Frank, and ANYONE, (apparently, dead or alive), who'd continue to enable him, swim in.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

Tom Bowler

You make a good point about keeping the focus and the disposable assets local Cap, but the US Senate is our septic tank. Oddly enough the country is so much better off when it's clogged, and that's the point of supporting Brown. We need to clog it.

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