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« George Will at CPAC 2010 | Main | Questions That Don't Occur to Lefties »

February 22, 2010



I can appreciate the value in examining the opinions of others, but what, exactly, does Ms. Estrich have on her resume/CV, that even ALLUDES to a valuable contribution to eliminating political, and "administrative" obstacles between a dis-ease complaint, a prognosis and a remedy?

The "political" spectacle begins today. I'm watching Newt.
I'm expecting "Thank you for your input, we can't use ANY of it."
or perhaps the new "Obama Plan" (NOT to be criticized) has already included disingenuous counterpoints to the rational thinking that has emerged from us common folks "asking questions", and getting answers, concerning a progressive erosion to the Socialist/Facist New World Order, that has repeatedly proved itself to be the path to equal misery for ALL that are on the wrong end of "administrative" gunpoint.

I ALSO expect the usual plaints of " "WE" MUST act NOW, before the next elections, to pass good-intention soundinglegislation, that "WE" can "fix" later when the Klieg lights are off, and won't reveal the consequences until WELL after the private waterfront dacha sites have been selected and acquired via."eminent domain".

Susan Estrich? ...really?
What was her "position" on "socialized medicine" BEFORE the bandwagon of "NO, that's stupid, and HERE'S WHY!" addressed TARP, "recovery", as well as the initial Pelosi/Reid invitation for bids (how many pages?) to justify a prescription of Opiates for the masses, with another PROMISE of "freedom from consequence"?

Susan Estrich?...REALLY?
In order to get refills for MY arthritis medicine, I have to use part of MY earned income for another bottle of no-name ibuprofen at the drug store, and maybe a banana for breakfast.

Sissy Willis

Susan Estrich almost getting it. Who woulda thunk? I always kinda liked her, though, despite the rasping voice and annoyingly wrong-headed liberal mindset. Something sweet and good about her.

Be sure to check out Prof. Jacobson's take: "Obama's Plan in Two Words"

Tom Bowler

It's funny but I agree about Susan Estrich, Sissy. I kinda like her, but I like her in spite of her reflexive liberal thinking. I guess she is what a liberal ought to be. Unlike other liberals she has an open mind. Unfortunately she arrives at the wrong conclusion anyway.

Good post by Prof. Jacobson.

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