Proof of the pudding is in the eating so they say. Proof of the recent dramatic drop in Obama's Disapproval Index is in his message. My Presidential Disapproval Index is merely the negative of Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index, which today stands at -15. A few short days ago the index stood at -4, at which time pundits explained that the president's rise from the depths in the opinion polls was in response to that impeccable delivery of his State to the Union address.
I don't think so. The State of the Union gave us nothing new. In fact pundits on both sides were in agreement. Obama "doubled down" on his health care plan in spite of a crystal clear message from the voters of Massachusetts.
No, the bounce came about because the president accepted an invitation from House Republicans to address them at their annual retreat. In fact it was the only thing in recent months that Obama appeared to do right. That is, he did a much better job on that occasion of pretending to be bipartisan. So much so, that he offered to try it again, this time with Senate Republicans.
The White House has suggested that it would like Obama to address the Senate GOP Conference, with TV cameras present. Obama administration officials are eager for voters to see Obama operate in a format he relishes — and handle his former Senate colleagues the same way he did last week to House Republicans at their annual retreat.
Asked about the White House invitation to Senate Republicans, Cornyn said: “For what purpose? Was it for photo op or is it serious? The president can invite Mitch McConnell, John Boehner or anybody he wants for a serious talk about issues.”
Does anybody really think Obama is interested in a serious policy discussion? Only if the discussion involves everybody agreeing with Obama.