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« Proof of the Pudding... | Main | Admittedly, They Don't Know Much »

February 09, 2010


Common Sense

Absolutely great commentary. This article points to sentiments I have always thought. How is it our elustrious "main stream" media could promote a 1.5 year term Senator with a trasparently thin voting record and no real resume or performance record, while villifying Palin as a dim wit while not reporting on her accomplishments as Govenor of Alaska? Both of them when lined up are more or less rookies but at least Palin "ran" government. Last but not least.....Palin was running for VICE president, but was covered (negatively) as if she was the Presdential candidate. I hope everyone learns something from this....and NO.....No Palin in 2012 either!!! Lets be a little smarter than this, this time around.

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