Shouldn't we take it from someone who might know? That someone would be the Massachusetts state treasurer Timothy P. Cahill, and when it comes to health care reform we should take it from him. ObamaCare will break the bank. Massachusetts has been trying out health care reform on his watch and it isn't working out. In fact it's so bad Cahill jumped the Democratic ship in July to run for governor against Deval Patrick as an independent.
By The Associated Press
March 16, 2010, 12:42PMBOSTON – The Massachusetts treasurer said Tuesday that Congress will “threaten to wipe out the American economy within four years” if it adopts a health-care overhaul modeled after the Bay State’s.
Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill – a former Democrat running as an independent for governor – said the local plan enacted in 2006 has succeeded only because of huge subsidies and favorable regulatory changes from the federal government.
“Who, exactly, is going to bail out the federal government if this plan goes national?” he asked.
Cahill made his remarks after Gov. Deval L. Patrick, a Democrat, accused him and Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles D. Baker of being silent amid the state and national health care debates.
Cahill cited quotations in which he has called for the state to abandon its plan, and for the federal government not to match it.
First Scott Brown. Now this. I can just imagine Thomas Frank in stumbling around in a daze wondering aloud, "What's the matter with Massachusetts?"
By way of Power Line.