According to Rasmussen Reports, 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the heath care reform bill that was recently jammed through congress on party line vote.
Support for repeal of the new national health care plan has jumped to its highest level ever. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the plan passed by congressional Democrats and signed into law by President Obama in March.
Prior to today, weekly polling had shown support for repeal ranging from 54% to 58%.
Currently, just 32% oppose repeal.
The new findings include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal of the health care bill and 25% who Strongly Oppose it.
It's hard to imagine how this is going to translate into anything but a crushing defeat for Democrats in November. And the more they try to blame opposition to health care reform on racism the worse their defeat is going to get.