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« Another Obama Myth Exploded | Main | Blanche Wins »

June 09, 2010



I understant that the Governor of the State of Louisiana was bestowed with
PERMISSION to ignore the usually disingenuous "it's for the environment..." based obstructions, and redistribute um...sand, against any POSSIBLE direct threat to the States border yesterday.

Wonder if they plan to use diesel powered tools to do that, or if each and every gub'mint employee hired in the last 90 days, along with each and every "volunteer corps" participant, are being asked to jump on an Amtrack and start shoveling? I understand that there's a plethora of idle union teachers and "administrators" (pre-k through "20th" grade) available for the next couple of months.

Just THINK of the new jobs numbers that could be reported from a White House press conference, or legislators "Town Hall" meeting lecterns!

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