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July 28, 2010



Obama is a poor President.

Unfortunately, he came after the only 2-term President in the history of America to the leave with the DOW lower than when he came in.

Obviously, Obama being a poor President, is better than Bush, who was an horrendous President.

"Better" of course, is a comparison operator. It does not actually mena "good." But with deceptive language, one can use the word "better" to indicate that someone is "good" or "excellent" and therefore deserves 2 terms.

The Republicans, in their decrepit and vapidly partisan state, will continue to argue that Bush was a "good" President -- or at least "above average."

Since everybody but the most vapid Republican partisan knows that Obama is "better" than Bush, the current inept Republican Party will continue to make arguments whose only logical conclusions will be that Obama is "better" than "above average" and therefore deserves 2 terms -- which of course is not the case.

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