Climate scientists and the institutions that support them recently absolved themselves of any wrong doing in the Climategate scandal. Deleting emails, hiding the decline, redefining peer review, all to promote a theory of anthropogenic global warming. Well it was all very innocent, they said.
Then there is the evasion—or maybe absolution is the better word—as it concerns the professional standards of the CRU scientists. The review does acknowledge that it found "evidence that emails might have been deleted in order to make them unavailable." And it faults the CRU staff for "[failing] to recognize . . . the significance of statutory requirements" concerning freedom of information requests. The review puts this down to a kind of naivete by the CRU scientists.
Yet it's hard to understand how researchers who were nothing if not meticulous in avoiding the FOI requests could have been unaware of their importance. In one now famous 2008 email, Mr. Jones wrote Penn State's Michael Mann as follows: "Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith [Briffa] re AR4 [the 2007 IPCC report]? Keith will do likewise." Good thing for these gentlemen that they didn't work for, say, Enron.
I "hang out" with folks that aren't merely bestowed with the accolade
highly intelligent by media folk with questionable credentials themselves. They've demonstrated it repeatedly. Some of them are *sigh*
professional career academics, with full understanding of the whole peer review, challenge/defense, intellectual integrity, "stuff".
Amongst their peers in the self promotion at ANY cost towers, they're hopeless. Amongst peers of other (allegedly)higher IQ venues,
where few care for politics, the verdict SEEMS to be one of fatal conciete and sophist Chauvinism, concerning the "defense" of
"latest studies show" on Anthro-eco-Armageddon. The mere mention of the names Gore, Soros, and Pickens, causes an awful lot of sudden shifting in the seats.
Now, about those Pulitzer/Noble awards for those upstarts that seem to have politically powerfull international allies, of less than sterling
repute, at their disposal?
Posted by: CaptDMO | July 19, 2010 at 07:02 PM
I before E, except after C, and sometimes, a whole BUNCH of other words.
Posted by: CaptDMO | July 19, 2010 at 07:04 PM