Dick Cavett took to the New York Times the other day with an editorial column extolling his astonishing wonderfulness. In figurative fashion, Cavett stood up and stood tall in Real Americans, Please Stand Up. He leads by example, you might say, showing his lesser countrymen what America is really about.
All this talk about the mosque reminds me of two things I heard growing up in Nebraska.
I had a 6th grade teacher who referred to American Indians as “sneaky redskins” and our enemies in the Pacific as “dirty Japs.” This abated somewhat after I asked one day in class, “Mrs. G., do you think our parents would like to know that you teach race prejudice?” She faded three shades.
The rest of that year was difficult.
As a war kid, I also heard an uncle of mine endorse a sentiment attributed to our Admiral “Bull” Halsey: “If I met a pregnant Japanese woman, I’d kick her in the belly.”
These are not proud moments in my heritage. But now, I’m genuinely ashamed of us.
Not proud moments? Color me skeptical. Was the story about chastising his 6th grade teacher put in there to point out his own shortcomings? Please. Quite the contrary. In his own mind Cavett is the yardstick by which other Americans may be measured, and it turns out other Americans just aren't measuring up. In fact, most Americans are repugnant enough to Cavett that he now says he is genuinely ashamed.
The issue that brings Cavett to his present state of distress is the Ground Zero Mosque and the deplorable fact that a substantial majority of Americans believe the construction of a mosque so close to the site of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks is inappropriate. What's worse, they say so – out loud. Such a thing is beyond Cavett's comprehension.
I remain amazed and really, sincerely, want to understand this. What can it be that is faulty in so many people’s thought processes, their ethics, their education, their experience of life, their understanding of their country, their what-have-you that blinds them to the fact that you can’t simultaneously maintain that you have nothing against members of any religion but are willing to penalize members of this one? Can you help me with this?
Let me just step out on this limb and suggest that the wonderful Cavett isn't really serious about wanting help. Yes, he says he wants to understand, but I suspect he's quite convinced that he understands only too well. He said so with the mention of his 6th grade heroism. It's bigotry, he thinks, and on a massive scale. There is a vastness of moral failure in Americans. The fault lies in their thought processes, their ethics, and their education. That "those people" with all of their advantages don't see things his way, why it boggles his mind.
But as is so typical with progressive elites, Cavett misleads by attacking a strawman. Otherwise the column doesn't work. It's the constitution and the rule of law, he says.
I like to think I’m not easily shocked, but here I am, seeing the emotions of the masses running like a freight train over the right to freedom of religion — never mind the right of eminent domain and private property.
I have yet to hear anybody suggest that Muslims do not, or should not, have the right to worship as they see fit and to build their places of worship wherever local zoning laws allow. In a rare moment of brevity and clarity, President Obama put it perfectly though he refused to take a position on it.
"I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there (near Ground Zero)," Obama said.
That is the question. Muslims have the right to build it. Their purpose they say is to bridge the gulf between people of different faiths. But should they build it? Wouldn't they more effectively bridge differences by respecting the feelings of others and building the mosque in another location. That's what they want to do, bridge the differences, isn't it?
Andrew McCarthy, the former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, doesn't think so. Mr. McCarthy was lead prosecutor in the case of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing which resulted in the conviction of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others. Recently, McCarthy had this to say.
In 1991, the Muslim Brotherhood’s American leadership prepared an internal memorandum for the organization’s global leadership in Egypt. It was written principally by Mohamed Akram, a close associate of Sheikh Qaradawi. As Akram put it, the Brotherhood
must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.
The Ground Zero project to erect a monument to sharia overlooking the crater where the World Trade Center once stood, and where thousands were slaughtered, is not a test of America’s commitment to religious liberty. America already has thousands of mosques and Islamic centers, including scores in the New York area — though Islam does not allow non-Muslims even to enter its crown-jewel cities of Mecca and Medina, much less to build churches or synagogues.
The Ground Zero project is a test of America’s resolve to face down a civilizational jihad that aims, in the words of its leaders, to destroy us from within.
Meanwhile, the wonderful Cavett frets that America's image suffers when Americans ask Muslim leaders to build their new mosque somewhere else. Says Cavett,
Set aside for the moment that we are handing such a lethal propaganda grenade to our detractors around the world.
You can’t eat this particular cake and have it, too. The true calamity, of course, is that behavior of this kind allows the enemy to win.
It's mildly shocking to discover that Cavett thinks there is an enemy. But I have to wonder what war does he suppose we are in, that will be lost on the basis of this "propaganda grenade?" And who is this enemy? Can he possibly think there is real a war going on? Hard to imagine. More likely, he thinks there is a massive misunderstanding. A failure born out of the faulty thought processes of faulty Americans prevents Islamic terrorists from understanding the wonderfulness of an America that has Dick Cavett in it. If only they could see. Surely there would be world peace.