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« The Tea Party In Perspective | Main | Unclogging The Credit Pipeline »

September 23, 2010



At least the ad mentions Ronald Reagan. Hopefully, this is an understanding that the Republican Party has not been the party of Reagan for some time.

But I doubt it. The message is confusing. A "more caring government that remembers us."

That's not the kind of language Reagan used.

It is not government’s responsibility to “care” for us. Rather, we should support ourselves and care for one another. From the perspective of small-government conservatives, one of the virtues of small government is that the government is in no position to “remember” the citizens, much less be “more caring” towards them.

One of Reagan's favorite lines, meant in complete sarcasm of course, was:

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”

Many Republicans simply don't understand why the party is in the minority. They refuse to differentiate between the "compassionate conservatism" (code for big government) of the Bush years versus the push for limited government by Reagan. The confusing message in this add captures that equivicotion perfectly.

Tom Bowler

"...a smaller, more caring government..." is how it goes, which really isn't at odds with Reagan's message. That said, establishment Republicans did lose their way during the Bush years, and I'm not sure they've found it again. Reversal of their decision to remove Murkowski from leadership of the Senate energy committee is not a good sign.

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