Last night on The Factor Bill O'Reilly offered Professor Marc Lamont Hill the opportunity to show us his proof of Tea Party racism.
Last week, when Professor Marc Lamont Hill accused the tea party of being "racist," The Factor challenged him to provide evidence. Hill returned to the No Spin Zone and attempted to back up his assertion. "Point number one," Hill said, "is the pervasive presence of racist signs and buttons at tea party rallies. You consistently see signs of Obama looking like a monkey and signs using dirty language. The tea party does little to stop or discourage that. There is also a scientific study showing that tea party members are more likely to have negative racial attitudes."
I was a little annoyed with O'Reilly because he wasn't very quick to challenge Lamont on his accusation that there was "the pervasive presence of racist signs." I've been to a couple of these things and there weren't any racist signs that I could see, but O'Reilly just listened and played a video of a massive Tea Party gathering. Then I noticed I wasn't seeing any racist signs.
It dawned on me. Oh I get it. He's letting the video speak for itself. Very smart. You gotta hand it to O'Reilly.
Then it dawned on me again. Oh I get it. According to the Marc Lamont Hills of world, people oppose the stimulus, the bailouts and the government takeover of health care only because they are secretly rabid racists. That means those Tea Party signs that say "No Socialized Medicine" and "No More Bailouts" are really racist attacks. And they're all over the place. They're pretty clever out there in left field.
Playing catch-up-
Oh holy SMOKES!
Are you JUST getting that Beck CONSISTENTLY challenges "new" ideas through their "inventorss" very own words/actions, and that O'Reilly CONSISTENTLY doles out more gallows rope/pulls the ladder up, and simply let's his subjects keep digging the hole?
I'm not sure either one of them know how to pronounce "Well you're a big poopy head..." , in French, as well as their "elite"(ahem)peers.
Posted by: CaptDMO | October 09, 2010 at 03:21 PM