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« Party of NO! | Main | Bending The Cost Curve »

October 15, 2010



I've listened to the tax and spend mantra for over 40 years. It never works.


I second Jorod’s comment, although for me it has been a little longer than 40 years.

The spending and most kinds of regulation are out of control.

For example, we’ve had increased federal regulation of public education.

We got the largest new entitlement program in a generation.

There has been zero reform of government entitlements.

The enactment of TARP combined with a big government President that arrogantly announced that he was abandoning free-market principles in order to save the free-market.

Yes. What occurred from 2000-2008 must never be allowed to happen in the Republican Party again.

Tom Bowler

Dr. Blake made an excellent point when he spoke to the crowd in Sturbridge. Socialism really does work -- for people who thirst for power over others. For the people, not so much.

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