That would be Jacob Weisberg. Pointless, anyway. Yesterday in Slate Mr. Weisberg explained how offensive and pointless was "the politically charged inquiry into what might have been swirling inside the head of Jared Loughner."
That was by way of introduction into his own politically charged analysis in which he concluded that the Tea Party didn't actually cause Jared Loughner to go on his shooting rampage, but Tea Party politics increased the odds that he would. You just can't make this stuff up.
First you rile up psychotics with inflammatory language about tyranny, betrayal, and taking back the country. Then you make easy for them to get guns. But if you really want trouble, you should also make it hard for them to get treatment for mental illness. I don't know if Loughner had health insurance, but he falls into a pool of people who often go uninsured—not young enough to be covered by parents (until the health-care bill's coverage of twentysomethings kicked in a few months ago), not old enough for Medicare, not poor enough for Medicaid. If such a person happens to have a history of mental illness, he will be effectively uninsurable. To get treatment, he actually has to commit a crime. If Republicans succeed in repealing the Obama health care bill, that's how it will remain.
There you have it. Oppose ObamaCare and you are an accomplice to murder! Dare to complain that your congressional representative doesn't represent your wishes, and promise to take back the country by voting him out, you are an accessory to assassination.
The injustice of Weisberg's charge would be infuriating if it weren't so pathetically stupid and ineffectual. It's funny instead. I'm delighted at so many distraught lefties kicking the hell out that dead horse. They just can't stop themselves.
Rush Limbaugh's been keeping score.
Here's a partial list of some of the incidents the left has tried to pin on conservatives. The Columbine shooters. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (specifically they tried to blame me for that). The DC sniper. The New York City Times Square car bomb attempt. They tried to blame that on some Tea Partier angry at the health law, then we find out that was radical Islamists. The February 2010 IRS plane attack in San Antonio. Remember that? It had to be an anti-government clown that flew that plane into the IRS office, had to be. The Pentagon subway shooter. The Fort Hood attack. The Discovery Channel hostage taker. And this guy [John Patrick] Bedell who went into the Pentagon and wanted to shoot these people up. This guy, by the way, is a dead ringer for Loughner. Amy Bishop who shot her colleagues at that Alabama college.
The list goes on and on and on. They are countless. The list actually is never ending of incidents like this where the media is damn certain, damn well certain they can give Obama his OKC bombing. They can give a Democrat president some kind of massive murder or disaster caused by conservatives.
If we can just get the lefty pundits to keep doing what they're doing, they might just kill off the progressive movement altogether. Imagine. We could be on our way to generations of common sense government. Government that's not buried under myriads of loony leftist experiments in social and economic engineering. If it wouldn't be too inflammatory to suggest.