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« Representative Thad McCotter On Health Care Supply And Demand | Main | Progressives Deplore The Rhetoric of Violence »

January 10, 2011



What, exactly, defines the line between a Lone Wolf, basement dwelling,
"Hello Kitty of blogging", social retard, irrationally attempting a murder for attention- and the arbitrary "upgrade" to the more-plausable-for-conspiracy-accusation-"copy" assassination attempt?

How many (ie. North Korean)"Oops, I did it again!" does it take before "certain sources" (ie. Markos/George S.)and their third tier enablers,are simply universally discounted as irrelevant, and simply ignored?

Would THEY be subject to a fairness doctrine, and supervised by new FCC edicts, or somehow elicit "special exceptions" to progressive big ideas? Kinda like separate-but-equal liability for Universal Free "Health" Care?

By the way, Happy New Year y'all.

Tom Bowler

Thanks, Cap! Happy New Year to you, too!

...simply universally discounted as irrelevant, and simply ignored?

There will always be plenty of people eager to pay attention to the kind of money Soros throws around.

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