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« Something Offensive And Pointless | Main | Not Pragmatic Issues? »

January 12, 2011



Unintended consequences?
1.Gun sales are UP in Arizona. Is this in response to new-found realizations of who the Sheriff is and what he thinks?

Can we just get back to The House vote of no confidence
on "Obama/Pelosi/Reid Care"?
Can we just get back to the official position on simply declaring a
"new limit" on the egregiously overspent National Credit Card, so
just the minimum "interest" payments can be made on the old one?


Are we surprised by all this hypocrisy? Once again we have political analysts (I'm being nice.) and pundits discussing an issue that they have very little knowledge about. After reading the articles and interviews with teachers and students who contacted the police regaurding this very distrubed young man I have come to one conclusion. The sherrifs department and the campus police did all that they could. Unfortunately what people do not realize is that victim's rights are only honored in the breach. Untill policing becomes more proactive these situations will never be prevented. Also, I thought you would like to read this editorial piece in the post.

It compares the presidents reaction to Sarah Palin's. It is completely a waste of time. Mr. Balz compares the presidents reaction to a nominees reaction. Why not compare Obama's to Olbermann?

Marcus Roberts

"But the flood of charges that immediately belched forth from progressive mouths really can't be taken seriously for several reasons, one of which is the very fact that progressives are making them."

So progressives are stupid? Is there something wrong with wanting society to progress? Is it wrong to want a clean and healthy planet and promote scientific achievement, equality and justice? I don't understand what you're so angry about. Your rhetoric is condescending, angry and divisive. What is so bad about your life to make you so angry?

And you don't think there is any link between the toxic political environment in this country today and the shooting in Tucson? Maybe it's because you're part of the problem.

I don't see anything Libertarian in your writing. You sound more like a plain old Republican, using Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity as the basis for your talking points. The subject matter is thin, myopic, self-righteous and juvenile.

Tom Bowler

Marcus, there are other ways of characterizing the sizable number of progressive journalists and pundits who used the Arizona shooting as an opportunity to vilify their political opposition, stupid being just one of them.


The blog is called Libertarian LEANINGS. A weblog of a New Hampshire REPUBLICAN. So yes Tom is a republican. It is stated at the top of the blog.

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