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« The Confused American Public | Main | Simon & Schuster, Jimmy Carter Face $5 Million Lawsuit »

February 01, 2011


Mike in VT

And it was ruled perfectly constitutional 2 times as well.
So what makes this ruling 'more valid' than those? Your personal bias?
it is a meaningless decision.

Tom Bowler

"And it was ruled perfectly constitutional 2 times..." by Democrats. So whose bias is it?

Mike in VT

"And it was ruled unconstitutional 2 times..." by Republicans.
One with a huge conflict of interest in the case. So whose bias is it?

Tom Bowler

What conflict of interest?

Mike in VT

Henry Hudson, the federal judge who ruled health care reform unconstitutional in Virginia has at least a $15,000 ownership interest in a GOP consulting firm called "Campaign Solutions, Inc."
Dedicated to overturning Healthcare Reform

If that isn't a conflict of interest, I don't know what is.

Tom Bowler

You're right. You don't know what is.


Actually it was never "ruled constitutional". Those 2 cases were decided on procedural rather than substantive grounds. So the good guys are 2-0.

I don't get the "judicial activism" argument. Does the left now believe referencing the Constitution is judicial activism?

Tom Bowler

The thing leftists have going for them is dishonesty. It gives them a huge advantage, you have to admit. They aren't constrained by truth or even consistency.

One thing they do is co-opt the popular words. Like the word "freedom". Our country was founded on principles of freedom. But the left takes the word "freedom" and promotes "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" and "freedom from hate speech" or any other damn thing. The catch is that in order to gain those "freedoms" you have to concede a lot of real freedom. Which is what the left doesn't believe in at all -- real freedom.

They've begun using that trick with the phrase "judicial activism". No conservative wants judges making up the law in whatever way happens to suit the latest fad. And that has been the meaning of judicial activism -- making up the law. The majority of Americans consider such judicial activism a very bad thing.

So along comes the left and decides, "Hey, we can use that," and they apply "judicial activism" to the right. They don't really care it means. They'll come up with something.

Eureka! The very first sentence in Brian Beutler's The Extreme Activism Of Judge Vinson is "For most people, an "activist judge" is one whose opinions they don't agree with." Oh, really?!!

"When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

Hmmm. So it turns out Humpty Dumpty was a lefty. Who knew?

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