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February 14, 2011



What would replace Fred and Fan? (simplified for brevity)
How about a logging/masonry/carpentry/plumbing/electrician apprenticeship alternative available for "students" with no "knack" for high school "world humanities studies" or College "Socio-psychological challenges of women entering international bio-engineering", or like "marketable" skills.

Build your own house at a significantly lower "investment", simultaneously practice a profitable life trade
that actually serves the rest community in the bank "pool", AND earn the mantle of integrity in one's community?

How about "affordable/worker housing" loans remaining on actual paper, within the community where everybody with a stake in the "pool" can judge how the folks involved are utilizing their "cut" of local banks finite holdings?

How about the professionally helpless be "educated" that renting for life from (see above) is "more affordable", and more flexible, compared to a lot, a house, interest, insurance, HVAC, municipal services fees, property taxes, security system/services, replacement water heaters/furnaces, replacement roofs, all with no guarantee that ones "equity investment" (bwaa ha ha ha ha)MIGHT stand forever, and pay off some day in the Real Estate casino.

Sorry if I'm being Captain Obvious here.

Atlanta Roofing

Obama is hiding so many things it's impossible to know all his dirty little secrets but in this particular case he's plainly hiding the fact that Fanny and Freddie contributed considerable sums of money to his campaign in which he returned the favor by giving each of these corrupt gigantic corporations billions and billions of taxpayer dollars to keep them from going out of business.


The phasing out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will bring back private capital and banks to the real estate market and the playing field will be level for private capital investment. Borrowers will also be required to put down a larger down payment.

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