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April 01, 2011



I haven't found anything said by Krauthammer or Clinton to be worth much.

It is no accident that most of the 9/11 perpetrators came from Saudi Arabia and not Syria.

But for whatever reason, as long as a government knows public relations and makes the right statements to the American press, it can do whatever it wants behind the scenes.

You get a lot of establishment types in Washington and the media who try to categorize Middle Eastern regimes in two camps: either their autocratic rule smacks of unredeemable thuggery and must be disposed of, or their dictatorial grip on power maintains stability and must be lavishly supported.

Apparently Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, Pakistan and Egypt (before Mubarak’s ouster) reside in the latter category. Libya, and now perhaps Syria, apparently belong in the former category of disposable regimes.

So you have an incoherent unprincipled policy where the military is committed at the whims of no-nothings like Krauthammer and Clinton.

PJ Smith

Krauthammer can commit the military? Obama follows Clinton's whim? Pass that thing along mate. Don't Bogart that weed!


Come now. The sentence reads "know-nothings LIKE Krauthammer and Clinton.

And an inordinate number of incompetents like those two can found littered throughout the Bush and Obama administrations.

And both Presidents followed such people's "questionable" advise -- questionable being a very kind term.

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