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« Bin Laden and the Arab Spring | Main | Bin Laden Fallout -- Point #1 »

May 03, 2011



Your blog is very well written and sourced. I appreciate its content.

The only comment I could make on most of your stuff is “good article.” -- and that would be redundant and boring.

So I hope you will take the following about IowaHawk with that in mind.

All due respect to IowaHawk, very few people oppose military action to dismantle Al Qaeda and kill Osama Bin Laden. That has been consistent ever since 9/11. So there is no “new” unity here.

IowaHawk does not understand the left or the right.

There has been a false narrative put out there by the KoolAid drinkers. It goes like this:

You have “antiwar” people on the left. You have “pro military” people on the right. And people are aligned along this continuum.

That is incorrect.

You have big government people on the left. And you have limited government people on the right. That is the proper continuum.

There are some big government people on the left who do not pursue their big government ideology when it comes to the military -- but only because of an antiwar ideology. It is not based on Conservative principles.

There are plenty of big government liberals who feel free to use the military in much the same way they use the Department of Energy, the Department of Education ad nauseum down the list.

These kind of big government liberals are NOT to the right of their anti-war liberal brethren. They are NOT moderates, conservative democrats, or anything else having to do with right-of -center thinking. They are ALL liberals.

People who are for limited government believe in a strong national defense. They view the Pentagon as absolutely necessary and also as a necessary evil. They do not rush to it like pigs to the trough. And they do not use it as a big government program.

Tom Bowler

Thanks, NY1. I appreciate the compliments. I'll go along with some, but not all, of what you say: You have big government people on the left and limited government people on the right. Agreed. However the big government people on the left often assume an anti-war pose as a tactic for grabbing the moral high ground, and from those "commanding heights" make the case for why they should be in charge.

It worked. For years they bashed George Bush over the Iraq war, accusing him of war crimes and eventually putting themselves completely in charge for two years, having only last year lost the House. They got there in large part by pretending to a pacifist moral outrage. Hence Iowahawk's tongue-in-cheek ridicule:

"Recent events have happily made clear that the antiwar movement of 2001-8 was overwhelmingly dominated by a vast silent hypocritical majority of craven political opportunists awaiting a Democratic administration..."

I think he nails it.


""Recent events have happily made clear that the antiwar movement of 2001-8 was overwhelmingly dominated by a vast silent hypocritical majority of craven political opportunists awaiting a Democratic administration..."

I think he nails it."

Yes, I have to agree entirely with that particular statement.

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