Victor Davis Hanson sees four consequences to the bin Laden assassination -- all positive. Point number one caught my attention.
1) The world must now realize that the domestic antiwar movement is dead, kaput; it cares not a whit whether we assassinate bin Laden or a son of Qaddafi or go into Libya. Everything is on the table now and there are no self-restraints, no snickers on The Daily Show, no quirky insider winks on Letterman, no Barbara Streisand crazy faxes. A Nobel peace laureate is now the Left’s totem and he can send quite deadly Americans on quite deadly missions as he sees fit — and without worry about a New York Times op-ed barrage or an ACLU lawsuit. That gives the U.S. newfound advantages, a veritable blank check, from keeping Guantanamo open indefinitely to using a Cheney “assassination” team and valuable water-boarded intelligence wherever it wishes to. A Harold Koh is not going to be filing any more lawsuits against his government — he is the government.
I can't think anything that emphasizes the complete amorality and the blatant hypocrisy of the left like their non-reaction to the bin Laden assassination. Where's the moral outrage?
Yes. Although I'm sure you will agree that the anti-war left is not dead. Just in temporary remission -- precisely because of its hypocrisy.
They are energized not by any thoughtful analysis, but by partisan concerns – in this case carrying water for the Dear and Glorious Leader.
Posted by: NewYork1 | May 05, 2011 at 10:28 AM
No doubt there are some who are sincerely anti-war, but it's so obvious now that a great majority are just anti-anybody-who-disagrees-with-the-progressive-orthodoxy.
Posted by: Tom Bowler | May 05, 2011 at 12:39 PM