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May 12, 2011



Dr. Blake says that of his colleagues who have paid their student loans, 90% will leave the MA health care system.

Who could blame them?

Tom Bowler

Jane, 90% seems like an unrealistically high number, but then, what does the good Doctor mean when he says, "leave the MA health care system"?

Can a doctor practice medicine in Massachusetts and not be part of RomneyCare? Or is Dr. Blake hearing the doctors plan to take up medical practice in other states? Or perhaps they'll stop practicing medicine. There's sure to be a boom in insurance jobs if ObamaCare isn't repealed. Doctors can take up reviewing medical claims, though it may not be quite the rewarding career they had in mind when they decided on medical school.


I thought he meant they would not practice medicine at all. I also met a Doc last week who told me a black market for medicine is sprouting all over.

Tom Bowler

Sounds like an Econ 101 lesson where a price control (in the reform of low Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement rates) causes shortages and ultimately a black market. Here's a rallying cry: ObamaCare means a return to back alley appendectomies! Hmmm. Not so sure it's going to catch on.

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