The story under the misleading headline Panetta: "Open Question" If Waterboarding Helped Find Bin Laden confirms it.
But I'm also saying that, you know, the debate about whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always going to be an open question.
By speculating that they might have gotten "the same information through other approaches" CIA Director Leon Panetta has admitted precisely how they did get it. Waterboarding gave them their first leads.
Re:Sunday DBD 05/08
Golly, Mr. Bin Laden set about establishing outposts all over parts of the world, "testing" the waters, and (obviously) finding the holes, where the easily duped, and poorly taught by "public" schools, thrive, right after da' Gub'mint armed and trained his (ahem)"religious" brethren.
Should I be concerned that van loads of illegal Mexican "immigrants" with MS-13 tattooed large on them have been arrested in NH, and subsequently "dismissed" by da' Gub'mint?
Have all those potato farms around Milford/New Boston been defending the hiring of "guest" workers? I can't tell via. satellite photos, for SOME reason (wink wink)that particular area is blacked out.
Can I buy NH made firearms/ammunition from my local "arms dealer" without current Gub'mint "interstate commerce clause"-based restrictions yet?
Posted by: CaptDMO | May 08, 2011 at 12:09 PM