If you're a Republican, you've got to love it when Obama goes out on the campaign trail and slams congress.
...he continued to hammer away at Republicans in Congress, suggesting they stand in the way of economic growth, even as some Democrats expressed discomfort with what they saw as a potentially divisive stance.
"We could do even more if Congress is willing to get in the game," Obama said to a gathering of small-business owners, community leaders and rural development experts at a small college in Peosta, Iowa.
When he accuses Republicans of standing in the way you just know he's aiming at Tea Party Republicans, but his campaign rhetoric doesn't seem to be working out the way he'd like.
Republicans have bounced back to a seven-point lead on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, August 14.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate, while 37% would choose the Democrat instead. The GOP’s lead is up five points from a week ago, the first full week survey since Congress and the president agreed on a spending cuts deal to raise the federal debt ceiling. Last week’s two-point gap was the narrowest lead Republicans had held since mid-May.
Meanwhile, Rasmussen has Obama has Obama at -22 in today's Presidential Approval Index. Yesterday, Obama set a personal record sinking to -23 on the Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index. Isn't it telling that progressives think Obama is the most intelligent and articulate president in history. He is "sort of God," one of them said.