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October 21, 2011


john lawless

This used to be called corruption.


We're making a bet on "green" jobs?
Once I figured out that I couldn't immediately recognize the sucker
at the table when I ventured into "friendly" poker games, I realized I'd better stop playing with folks who otherwise, had absolutely nothing more productive to do than get good at playing cards.

Doerr and Kleiner Perkins executives have contributed more than $1 million to federal political causes and campaigns over the last two decades, primarily supporting Democrats.

Dems selling their "New and Improved" representation at yard sale prices?
Wow! A $529 million federal government loan guarantee for a paltry fifty grand a year "ante"? Unless Mr. Gore is simply pasting his sooooooo close to being relevant once wanna-be "credentials" onto "other peoples money" to gamble with, how did HE get invited to THIS "wall street"(NEVER gamble with your OWN money) table?
At least Billy Mays, and Ron Popiel, offered up something actually tangible for your "Gee, If I buy into this, I MUST be smart. It'll be different THIS time!" investment. I actually saw overpriced bottled water, and imported vodka, bottles turned into fairly attractive, reasonably priced IMHO, cobalt glassware for sale at an outdoor art/craft show event recently.
Now THAT'S "green" recycling (OK, BLUE actually), and opportunity of creation! Of course, there was a bit of personal impetus, and actual perspiration, required.

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