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October 25, 2011



I'm hoping for a comeback!

Tom Bowler

I'm expecting a comeback, although his rally may fall short in the end. For the first time ever I find there's something I like about all of the candidates, but I suppose measuring them against Obama could account for it. I have misgivings about only two -- Ron Paul and Mitt Romney.

This simple 20% flat tax will allow Americans to file their taxes on a postcard
Would that include "convenient" automatic electronic credit units withdrawal from my bank account, a la "convenient" bill pay? Can I count on da gub'mint to consider my philanthropy, civic service, and my otherwise unemployed Masters of Humanities neighbors absolute lack of them? Golly, a 10% rate , or something that doesn't fall into a range similar to usury, would be just as easy, as long as my union shovel/broom operators actual YTD pay stub would exempt me from uh..socialist "medicine" payment-you know...the one that doesn't work unless EVERYBODY is FORCED to pay "the gub'mint" for it. Maybe the "postcard" approach would help out the USPS though.
My plan also abolishes the death tax once and for all...
BWA ha ha ha ha ha ha......and the Second Amendment, anthropomorphic global warming "fees", SCOTUS/Constitutional "interpretation", and (fill in the blank) "rights" will be settled once and for all too!

It has been my experiance that slackers will ALWAYS expend more effort in the "redistribution" of responsibility and rewards than they would actually meriting it. Of course, extorting "other peoples money" to purchase "professional representation" by otherwise unemployed "Masters of Humanities" works too.
Would THAT still be "deductible"?

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