I liked this comment from Ira Stoll on the Washington Post-Bloomberg Republican Presidential Debate.
...the program at times felt not like a debate among the Republican presidential candidates, but like a debate between the group of Republican politicians, on one side, and the group of journalists, on the other. It's not that the journalists were hard left, just that they were kind of conventionally left-moderate in a predictably, plodding fashion.
If I had to guess, I'd say Romney is going to win the nomination. He clearly got the most face time of all the candidates who were on hand.
6:53PM For my own self, I’d like to thank Bloomberg TV for hosting — and Charlie Rose for moderating — tonight’s heartwarming episode of the Mitt Romney Show. I hope everyone enjoyed it, especially the inevitability. And the specificity.
It was hard not to notice.
8:41 p.m. Tumulty going the full liberal again, is anyone not named Romney going to get a chance to talk?
At roughly 9:00pm the debate was over for those of us living in southern New Hampshire. The Binny TV signal was lost and never returned, but it was fun while it lasted and all of the candidates did pretty well.