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October 01, 2011


PJ Smith

If they perceive Cain as a serious threat, the leftist media will use affirmative action against Cain. He'll be forced to take a public position. If he supports racial preferences, he'll dampen white voters' enthusiasm. If not, he can write off any significant black support.


(Para)"Obama's gonna pay my gas bill, and my mortgage..."
(Para)"I don't know where it comes from, it's OBAMA money..."
(para)"We know who they are and we're gonna name names..."
Or the very existence of a know..."Black" Congressional Caucus, or
"traditionally" African American universities. Ignorant mis-citations of
Affirmative Action in defending a demand for (certainly not limited to racial) quota based "constructs" is a quick clue as well.

How many caught-on-tape "anecdotals" are there in a stereotype?
How many stereotypes does it take to make up a majority?

In fairness, I believe that the majority of disingenuous "progressive" folk empowerment comes from the ENTIRE left side of the bell curve, as well as a vast minority of accident-of-birth idiot savants.
Of course, officially "Admiring the Emperor's New Clothes, lest we fall from favor!" CV/Resume is apparently helpful for "office" job security.

So there you have it: According to Belcher, Herman Cain is a racist. Good luck with that one.
Gosh, it worked with shouting down Bill Cosby's observations. Principal Joe Clark too for that matter. I wonder when the "Racist" cries will fly for Mr. Obama's chiding of "stereotypical" (para)lazy/complainer politicos from CBC that seem to be stepping off from the ill winds of HIS wheel barrels of grossly inflated political capital. (as yet un-indicted, screamy-face, Ms. Director what's-her-name, STILL doesn't count)

Intelligent investors (OK, gamblers)don't accept "progressive" double-or-nothing antes in lieu of making-good.


Larry Elder has said these things for years.


Larry Elder has said these things for years. So has Thomas Sowell.

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