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« Rick Perry's 20-12.5 Plan | Main | The Students Demand »

November 04, 2011



Oooo....Somebody's been taking lessons from Old Mr. Hubbard.
Kinda like Narconon "recovery" centers, whose back offices, secured-unless you have to make payment arrangements, are crammed with boxes of
official "Church" of Scientology junk.
And WHO is currently supervising/financing ACOR.. "(fill in the blank)Communities for Change" again?


I believe it was ALSO ex-speaker Ms. Pelosi that pronounced Tea Party
efforts as Astro Turf, although I can't, for the life of me, figure out who instructed her to say that.

How come "evil doers" (and other assorted professional wackos) that inevitably crashed Tea Party events were quickly ousted, along with their "litter", but they're find a growing "presence" in co-opting OWS band wagons as time drags on?

How come working Wall Street folks that bombarded the "predominately white" protester crowd with McDonald's job applications didn't include Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Ben and Jerry's, and (ahem)Solindra ones as well?

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