As we've all thought all along, that idiotic story blaming the death of Ambassador Christopher Steven on an internet video was a tale cooked up by the White House to cover for Obama. Documents procured by Judicial Watch through a June 21, 2013 FOIA lawsuit included an email by senior White House advisor Ben Rhodes dated September 14, 2012 8:09 pm ET.
Subject: RE:PREP CALL with Susan: Saturday at 4:00 pm ET
This was the email that outlined the plan for Susan Rice to hit the Sunday morning talk shows and say that according to the best intelligence Christopher Stevens died in a protest over a video. Among other things it said:
To underscore that these protests were rooted in an Internet video, not a broader failure of policy.
However, in the same trove of documents received by Judicial Watch were emails contradicting Rhodes' contrived story line. The Judicial Watch press release describes the contradictions:
The documents obtained by Judicial Watch also contain numerous emails sent during the assault on the Benghazi diplomatic facility. The contemporaneous and dramatic emails describe the assault as an “attack”:
- September 11, 2012, 6:41 PM – Senior Advisor Eric Pelofsky, to Susan Rice:
As reported, the Benghazi compound came under attack and it took a bit of time for the ‘Annex’ colleagues and Libyan February 17 brigade to secure it. One of our colleagues was killed – IMO Sean Smith. Amb Chris Stevens, who was visiting Benghazi this week is missing. U.S. and Libyan colleagues are looking for him…
At 8:51 pm, Pelofsky tells Rice and others that “Post received a call from a person using an [sic] RSO phone that Chris was given saying the caller was with a person matching Chris’s description at a hospital and that he was alive and well. Of course, if the he were alive and well, one could ask why he didn’t make the call himself.”
Later that evening, Pelofsky emailed Rice that he was “very, very worried. In particular that he [Stevens] is either dead or this was a concerted effort to kidnap him.” Rice replied, “God forbid.”
- September 11, 2012, 4:49 PM – State Department press officer John Fogarty reporting on “Libya update from Beth Jones”:
Beth Jones [Acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs] just spoke with DCM Tripoli Greg Hicks, who advised a Libyan militia (we now know this is the 17th Feb brigade, as requested by Emb office) is responding to the attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi.”
Understandable that the White House would be loath to release such damning information, especially after the entire administration stayed on the internet video message for months. Rice, Clinton, and Obama all maintained that the attack was not an attack but a spontaneous protest. They kept it up through the November election and all the way through the congressional committee hearings the following year. They had help from the media who studiously ignored the story.
And now it's much clearer why the media was loath to dig in. It turns out that senior White House advisor Ben Rhodes has a brother David.
David Rhodes was named President of CBS News in February 2011.
As President, he is responsible for programs including the award-winning broadcasts "CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley", "CBS This Morning", "CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood", "Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer", and "48 Hours." He directs network newsgathering for all CBS News platforms including television,, and CBS News Radio.
Some news is quite obviously not worth gathering. Like Benghazi. It is particularly not worth gathering when you have a brother neck deep in the story.
Sharyl Attkisson, CBS’s top investigative reporter: gone, resigned, floating free, unchained, now viewed by the news establishment as an outsider, a defector, a weirdo with an axe to grind.
Among the controversial stories she covered at CBS: Benghazi. Just as she was digging below the surface of the Obama coverup, she was cut off and shut down by her network bosses.
Here’s the crux. The Rhodes brothers.
Ben Rhodes, David Rhodes.
Ben is a deputy national security advisor to Obama and writes speeches for him. In September 2012, Ben was “instrumental,” according to ABC News, in changing the White House talking points (the story) on what happened in Benghazi.
Ben’s brother, David, is president of CBS News. Attkisson was working for David. She was investigating all the changes (12) in the Benghazi talking points. She was shut down.
Nothing to see there, move along, eyes straight ahead, go back to sleep, zombie-zombie, it’s all good don’t worry, be happy, hope and change, the audacity of whatever.
Now, on top of this, Attkisson’s computers, at work and at home, were hacked while she was still at CBS. The network acknowledged this and said “they were investigating.” They’re still investigating.
Our "free press" colludes with, rather than reports on, the people who would be subjects of their stories. It's mutually beneficial. Ambitious "journalists" advance their careers further and faster by being nice to the powers be, and in return the powers that be get good press. Or as in this case, Benghazi, the powers that be get no press. Better still.
Senior White House advisor Ben Rhodes was a brilliant pick by Obama. No worries about "journalist" Rhodes ever speaking truth to, or about, Obama. And what a bonus! Rhodes has a brother who has been doing a bang up job of muzzling one of the original big three news networks, CBS, on behalf of Obama. It's mutually beneficial. Hell! It's family!