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February 13, 2015


Jackson DeBolt

It is an excellent argument and it represents the reality of the situation well. There is only one weakness to it. You need a fair understanding of economics and some experience to understand it. The Democrats version "raise wages and you get more" is so easy to understand and makes sense in a very simple way that an idiot can understand it. Unfortunately for all of us, life is not THAT simple. Only through an increase in the demand for workers will you see an increase in wages AND a decrease in the unemployment rate.

Tom Bowler

Thanks, Jackson. Unfortunately Democrats have been having great success selling their policies to people who don't have a good understanding of economics.


You were wondering what you may have said that could have gotten you censored on the huffle-puffle post.

Well, for one thing, you DARED question and contradict the denizens of that particularly imbecilic liberal echo chamber.
Don't bother- you can't try civil debate with kool aid drinking true believers, they just cannot be reasoned with. They will call you names, ridicule you, and when that doesn't work, they'll just censor you.

However, I suspect this stung them the most-

"There are union contracts that use the minimum wage as a trigger for higher union wages, and we know that higher union wages means more union dues and more campaign money for the Democratic party, so Democrats are always pushing for a minimum wage hike. It's always about the money, you know."

You DARED expose them.

Heres the thing- alot of folks who have sort of been watching the "liberals" in operation as of late, and who haven't partaken of the kool aid, are noticing something quite terrifying:

These people want a single party rule banana republic.

Its that simple.

Anything to perpetuate their rulership.

Lies, cheats and steals are all fair game for to them, the ends justify the means, and since THEY have determined that THEY and ONLY THEY know whats best for EVERYONE ELSE, how dare you question them in their superiority or worse yet, stand in their way?

These people are not "liberal" at all.

Rather, they are socialists who deem themselves fit to rule the rest of us.

Tom Bowler

You got it, Razorback:

'However, I suspect this stung them the most-

"There are union contracts that use the minimum wage as a trigger for higher union wages, and we know that higher union wages means more union dues and more campaign money for the Democratic party, so Democrats are always pushing for a minimum wage hike. It's always about the money, you know."'

This is an argument I'd like to see Republicans embrace during the 2016 campaign.

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