In case you missed it, below is the electrifying address by Pastor Mark Burns to the Republican National Convention. Pastor Burns was not one of the prime time speakers, but his speech was a barnburner nonetheless. I heard it first live on CSpan, but since then I have been unable to find it anywhere. Until now. I ran across it in The Strata-Sphere, the excellent blog by AJStrata.
I bring it up now because it tests the media narrative, which these days takes its cues from the DNC. The narrative says that Trump's support is almost entirely made up of disaffected white working class voters. Here is the Washington Post saying as much in its critique of Trump's convention speech.
In Nixon’s time, it was a call for the “Silent Majority” to rise up and take back the country. Trump spoke to the “forgotten men and women” who he said no longer have a voice in a rigged political system run by “censors” and “cynics.”
His target audience remains white, mostly working-class, Americans bruised by economic change and worried about cultural changes.
Notice that Trump's target audience, according to the Post, is "worried about cultural changes." It's the Post's discreet way of reminding readers that white working-class Americans are largely racist. It's a popular theme in media circles these days. The point is to poison Trump by implying that his support is racist. And since Trump's appeal is to racists, it must be that he is a racist himself, and that he has signaled as much to his racist followers through some secret coded words. The intent, of course, is to shame — to dissuade anyone who might consider supporting Trump.
It isn't working. And why not, you may ask? It isn't working for two reasons. One is that Trump has successfully innocculated himself against the political correct by his boorish insistence upon being politically incorrect. The other is that there are alternate sources of information available and, as AJStrata points out, you can see things for yourself.
There is a reason I stopped watching conventions on cable or prime time, because the talking heads do nothing but translate and spin what is going on for the poor dumb masses.
I watch these unfiltered and in the raw on C-SPAN, and I suggest everyone else do the same. Because if you didn’t watch C-SPAN, you missed this purely white working class speech: