Shall we settle in with our popcorn for the upcoming, sure to be entertaining, border wall fight? Ordinarily, I would be pessimistic about the outcome. Republicans have a bad habit of losing these kinds of budget fights, but I don't have the same misgivings over this one. Why is that, you might ask? Trump.
Trump knows what Democrats would rather not say. Democrats do not want border security. No matter what you hear Democrats say, they don't want border security. In one of her rare moments of sincerity, Hillary told a group of investors what Democrats really want — open borders.
"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future with energy that's as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere," Clinton reportedly said to investors in a paid speech she gave to Brazilian Banco Itau in 2013.
Though Democrats have voted for border security in the past, including a border wall, Democrats' long range goal, as stated by Hillary, is open borders. Open borders will facilitate the demographic shift that has been at the heart of Democratic strategies for achieving permanent progressive majorities.
Until the 1960s, the surrounding neighborhood of Boyle Heights was far more mixed and less Hispanic than it is today. Jewish immigrants lived there, as did a large Japanese community. There were immigrants from Yugoslavia, Armenia, Russia and even a few Irish.
Bit by bit, they moved away to better neighborhoods, were displaced by urban renewal projects or simply died off, leaving behind no or too few descendants, and Mexicans moved in to fill the vacuum. They came across the nearby border in growing numbers, legally or illegally, searching for a new and better home. Today, about 100,000 people live in Boyle Heights, and 95,000 of them have Hispanic roots. President Barack Obama's reelection was decided in places like Boyle Heights.
By the time Barack Obama won re-election, Democrats were already committed to the abandonment of their traditional core of support, the blue collar union workers, in favor of a strategy of identity politics and unlimited immigration. Blue collar abandonment became official when Hillary told the a gathering of high dollar Democrat donors, that those who were once a pillar of Democrat support were now "her basket of deplorables." Trump had picked up the banner of their cause — jobs, manufacturing jobs — and they were throwing their support to him.
The other day President Trump invited Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi over to the White House to discuss, among other issues, the border wall, and much to their chagrin, he also invited the press to come in with their cameras. Trump does the unconventional, if not the unexpected and he fights to win.
As you watch the video above, you can't help but notice, Schumer and Pelosi were not about happy having the border conversation in full view of the American people. Trump, on the other hand, was really enjoying it. He relished the role of Reality President, even though he couldn't tell them, "You're fired." Trump could, and did, catch them by surprise and he did make them very uncomfortable. He told them, very publicly, that he would be "proud to shut down the government for border security," setting up a confrontation in which both sides are now dug in. This isn't the way Republicans usually get into these things, but we're dealing with Trump here.
As for the Democrats, there is a formula for the way these things play out, that they've followed for years, and that they'll follow again. It starts with careful selection of the issues over which to go into battle. Important issues for Democrats have three important characteristics.
- Democrats must get something out of it, a substantial gain, financial or other, for the Democratic party. It need not benefit America, Americans, or anybody other than the Democrats.
- It must cast Democrats in the role the fair minded and compassionate champions of those less fortunate.
- It must afford opportunities for "exposing" Republicans' "real motives," greed, racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia — you name it.
In the past when Democrats had faithfully followed their script, Republicans would resist briefly then give up in fear that mud-flinging Democrats would get some of the mud to stick, and voters would then punish them on election day.
The immigration and border security fit the Democrat model perfectly. For decades Democrats have been systematically promoting illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, and lax immigration enforcement in order to pack the voter rolls with Democrat-voting migrants. I should note that this dovetails with Democrats' opposition to any kind of legislation requiring states to confirm that a voter is legally entitled to vote.
- Maintaining that pipeline of left leaning voters from south of the border is a huge benefit to the Democrats. In fact, a cutoff in the flow of those new voters poses a threat to their future electoral success.
- The plight of migrants at the border, especially the children, sets the stage for Democrat moral preening. The wall is immoral, they say.
- It's been the go to tactic for Democrats to call Republicans racist, but the issue of security along the Mexican border lends itself to more strident accusations since Latin Americans are generally considered non-white.
If we were back in pre-Trump days, we would watch in dismay as Republicans followed their own script for capitulation. "Moderate" Republicans, eager to prove their commitment to "diversity" and to demonstrate "statesmanship," would "reach across the aisle" for "compromise." Today, Republicans know they have to counter the Democrats at each point of attack. With Trump showing them they way, I believe they can and will.
- Immigration and border security are important to Americans of all races and creeds, and Trump is not about to allow Democrats to import a new electorate from Central and South America to replace the American electorate that is already here.
- Democrats are far from compassionate when they entice people by the millions to travel through territory controlled by drug cartels in the fading hope of reaching sanctuary and under the table jobs.
- The race card has worn thin. It's not racist for Republicans or for anybody else to support border integrity.
Pelosi is betting it will play out according to the old script, confident that the threat of punishment at the polls will force the Republican side to give in. She is leaving no room for compromise.
"Are you willing to come up and give him some of this money for the wall?" Guthrie asked. "Because apparently that's the sticking point."
"No, no. Nothing for the wall," Pelosi responded. "We're talking about border security."
"We can go through this all back and forth—no," Pelosi continued. "How many more times can we say no? Nothing for the wall."
It may not work out so well for her this time. Trump and the Republicans are either confident that matching her hard line stance won't come back to bite them, or confident that failing to match it would be worse. I suspect congressional Republicans realize that caving in will be worse for them. If they give up on the wall and fail to secure the border, they can kiss future elections goodbye. The formerly moderate Republican Senator Lindsey Graham apparently agrees.
"To Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats: No Wall Money, No Deal," Graham tweeted on Friday.
Republicans are catching on to how Trump fights. As he wins his fights he wins more and more Republicans to his side. Complain of his demeanor, his tweets, and his manners if you will, but Trump has been demonstrating to Republicans that it's possible to actually stand for something and win. But they've got to fight and it's not always pretty.
Democrats have a knack for flexibility. What they have voted for on earlier occasions they denounce as racist and white nationalist today. Aren't they forever getting "woke." It's a wonder their voters survive the whiplash, but perhaps Democrat voters think they're in on the deal. They think they understand how Democrats have to pander to those not as smart and discerning as themselves, the people who don't have sense enough to vote for their own best interests. Democrat voters are happy to elect leaders who are wise enough to impose what the less intelligent people can't perceive is best.
However, flexibility on issues has its drawbacks. Democrats depend on the new crop of voters each year who don't know, and couldn't care less, how their leaders voted last year. Therein lies the importance of border security, which Democrats will pretend to be for, while doing everything in their power to undermine, or flat out prevent.
Trump has a knack for flushing out the hypocrisy in Democrats. It's a new ballgame. Don't count on Trump losing it.
Last updated January 6,2019, 9:03 AM.