Why, we might wonder, have alarmist Democrats amp'ed up their slander of Trump and his supporters as "white supremacists?" Why the loony push for impeachment? Why do they pick now to resuscitate those fabricated sexual assault charges against Justice Kavanaugh? Why have Democrats become so completely unhinged? Katrina Pierson explains:
African Americans, like all Americans outside of the lily-white socialist fringe of the Democratic Party, vote for candidates who can deliver a strong American economy that materially improves their lives. That’s what Donald Trump promised, and it’s what President Trump has delivered.
Median household income is at its highest point, and poverty at its lowest, since the dot-com boom of the late-‘90s. We’ve had quarter after quarter of robust economic growth, stellar job creation, and rapidly increasing wages.
Unlike some previous boom times, African Americans and other minorities haven’t been left behind. They’ve been front and center in the gains, just as candidate Trump promised. The African American unemployment rate hit an all-time low early in President Trump’s administration, and since then it’s gone significantly lower, reducing the disparity between black and white employment to its lowest point in history.
Hispanics, Asian Americans, and women have all achieved record-low jobless rates, as well, largely because — for the first time in American history — the majority of new hires aged 25-54 are people of color. [My emphasis in bold]
Decades ago Democrats began shifting to a new political strategy in line with their theory that America's changing demographics would inevitably bring on the demise of the largely white, well to do Republican party, and in so doing usher in progressive legislative majorities for a generation. In order to help facilitate the Republican collapse, Democrats threw their full support behind illegal immigration and voter fraud. This is what's behind Democrat calls for open borders, universal rights to migrate, expanded voter eligibility, and opposition to any efforts to confirm that people entering the voting booth are actually entitled to vote.
As part of this shift in strategy Democrats began to distance themselves from white blue collar workers, their traditional core of support. The new demographically oriented strategy fit well with Democrats' time honored practice of demonizing their opposition as racist. When they voiced their opposition to illegal immigration and their support for voter ID laws, the white blue collar class found themselves on the receiving end of Democrat accusations of racism. They became Hillary's Deplorables.
That's when the brilliant new strategy began to break down, as Hillary discovered to her dismay in 2016 when blue collar voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania went for Trump and made him — not Hillary — President of the United States. It was not a racist vote that blue collar workers cast for Trump, but a rejection of Hillary instead. It was because of eight years of Democrat failure to deliver. Rust belt towns and cities were crumbling as jobs left America under Obama's globalist policies. Hillary promised more of the same while Trump offered hope.
And Trump delivered. Through business tax cuts, cuts in excessive regulations, reductions in the volume of illegal immigration, and negotiations for new trade deals, Trump has reduced unemployment to historic lows, and achieved a formerly unimaginable milestone. For the first time in US history, people of color make up the majority of new hires.
The Washington Post analyzed Labor Department data extending back to the 1970s and found that last year, new “working-age” hires were mostly people of color, outnumbering white hires. The Post defines these new hires as people within the “prime working age” of 25 to 54.
Unable to claim any credit for this, Democrats have little left to campaign on but racial scare tactics. They look on in horror at a vast and growing block of minority voters who are reaping the benefit of Trumps robust economy and who are likely to vote their economic well being in 2020. What else can Democrats do but pray for a recession and hurl the most bizarre and unsupportable accusations at Trump and the Republicans, hoping that voters will succumb to fear rather than reason when they head to the polls in 2020?
Through hard work and sound policy Trump is creating opportunity, making people's lives better. And in doing that he's winning over more and more voters. Meanwhile Democrats and their allies search desperately for the magical sound bite, the one that will convince voters that they, the Democrats, are the answer to something. And in doing that the Democrats are sounding more and more insane.
That is what's going on. That's why the Democrat clown show. Nothing to worry about.