Clarice Feldman: The Democrats Make Their Own Racism Explicit
This week the Democratic National Committee gave Justice Steven Breyer the hook, announcing that he was retiring before he’d firmly decided to do so. When he finally responded, he made clear his intention to remain on the bench until Biden’s nominee was confirmed, which at best likely will be sometime this summer if ever. As part of a deal he made with congressman and House majority whip Jim Clyburn when he was on the ropes in the primaries, President Biden promised to nominate to this significant position a black woman, and three candidates’ names -- a weak bench if the suppositions are correct -- have been bandied about in the press. How odd to admit you are selecting a nominee on the basis of race and sex just as the Supreme Court is about to hear serious challenges to affirmative action in college admissions. Moreover, he asserts this will be an “historic” nomination, but it won’t be. (Picking an Asian-American would be.)
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