Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, American Greatness: 13 Big Predictions for 2023
I thought I would conjure up a special set of predictions for American Greatness readers about what might be coming in 2023. You won’t get this from the three-letter government agencies who are so one-sided nowadays, or from any of our proliferating enemies or frenemies, for that matter.
These predictions are based on analysis and perspective guided by trends. The context is late-stage secularism and decadent crony capitalism, where wokeism is the default ideology.
The year ahead will provide plenty of intrigue, controversy, volatility, and danger. The pundits are all focused on the fall of Trump—which won’t exactly happen—but there are lots of other traps and challenges galore.
Here then, from my strategist-scholar-diplomat perch, is a list of the things that I predict for the year ahead. Some are commonsensical and others . . . well, quite out of this world.
13) Sadly, Hunter Biden will not be locked up. The Big Guy should be impeached on a raft of charges, but it won’t happen because of the complicity of the conspiracists. Big Tech, the press, the uniparty, and the deep state don’t want this result, as is all too apparent now. They will do everything to thwart justice and to both keep it out of the news and unprosecuted. Daddy would pardon him anyway, since he is “the smartest person he knows,” and that’s how he pays all his bills. Bring on all the investigations and congressional hearings—to no avail.
Try to have a Happy New Year, realizing, as Victor Hugo reminded us over a century ago in Les Misérables: “The future has several names. For the weak, it is impossible; for the fainthearted, it is unknown; but for the valiant, it is ideal.”
Read the rest here.