Chris Nelson, The Floridian
The American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) has stripped the certification of Florida Doctor John Littell. Littell, a U.S. Army veteran and Family Physician made headlines for using Ivermectin to treat over 3000 Covid-19 patients.
"I got disciplined for giving Ivermectin which got a young mom out of the hospital in three days when she would have died," said Dr Littell speaking outside a meeting of the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board.
Dr. Littell is facing further discipline from the ABFM, of whom Littell has been a certified member since July 13, 1990, according to the letter.
Littell says he and his attorney Jeff Childers are not taking this sitting down and have a conference planned for this weekend to discuss the rise in censorship and come up with a plan. He says he has also reached out to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, an organization he says "represents independent positions better than anyone in the country."
"We will ultimately prevail, not only in the legal arena, but primarily in the court of public opinion," said Littell in a written statement. "If Americans want to have physicians who are truly independent, who value the Sanctity of the physician/patient relationship, and who practice according to the basic tenet, "first, do no harm," - then we, together, must fight against those institutions, such as the specialty boards, which choose rather to treat us like trainable puppies, with choke collars and tight leashes, preparing to discipline us, whenever we choose to exercise our First Amendment right to speak freely about the potential dangers of certain medications, vaccines or procedures which will, in truth, do harm to the patients we serve."
Read the rest here.