by Brian Lupo, Gateway Pundit
In addition to creating a massive drain on local and state governments tasked with providing for these illegal migrants, another major problem has arisen: voter registration. With automatic voter registration and motor voter registration in many states, including Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, California, and New York, anyone who obtains a drivers license, or in some cases engages with almost any government entity, may be registered to vote, often times unbeknownst to them. In some cases, not only are they registered unknowingly, but laws have been enacted to release them of liability if they are sent a ballot and ‘accidentally’ vote.
A new Rasmussen poll taken before the assassination attempt on President Trump and the resignation from the 2024 Democrat ticket by Joe Biden shows a shocking result. The poll shows the top issues still remain the economy (27%) and the border (20%). However, the demographic polled is interesting.
Rasmussen also asked 2,466 the typical questions in an election year poll, however, they also asked about citizenship status. Respondents either answered “Yes,” “No,” or “Not sure.”
Out of 2,466 respondents, 131 responded with “No” and 91 responded “Not sure” regarding their citizenship. [bold in the original]
You can see how Democrats plan to cheat again in 2024. Read the rest here.