That would be me. As we continue to marvel at the slow motion, never ending train wreck that is ObamaCare, we shouldn't lose sight of its purpose. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. ObamaCare is not about health care. It's about power. When, you may ask, might I have said that before? Actually, I it was before ObamaCare was even passed. For instance, August 15, 2009:
[W]hy go blindly along on health care reform when so often the president's arguments are not correct? Why, when nearly every Obama claim is questionable or false, from the number of Americans who are uninsured, to scare stories about people currently being denied care, to his imagined cost savings. What is the point? And why are progressives so hot for a single payer system, when single payer systems have been shown time and again to result in reduced quality of care and government directed rationing?
It so happens, Bill Clinton delivered the answer at a convention for progressive bloggers in Pittsburgh.
PITTSBURGH - Former President Bill Clinton told an audience of liberal online activists Thursday evening that the nation has “entered a new era of progressive politics” that could last for decades if Democrats can pass ambitious measures such as health care reform and climate change.
In a nearly hour-long keynote address to the fourth annual Netroots Nation convention in Pittsburgh, a gathering of roughly 1,500 progressive bloggers and activists, Clinton said the nation—and public opinion—has dramatically changed in the 16 years since he took office. But he noted that President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress needed the support of the online community to achieve their agenda.
“We have entered a new era of progressive politics which, if we do it right, can last 30 or 40 years,” Clinton said. “America has rapidly moved to another place on a lot of these issues.”
“The president needs your help,” he said, “and the cause needs your help.”
As we all know, ObamaCare passed, and the results were as expected, which means ObamaCare is nowhere close to what was promised. Contrary to its billing, under the "Affordable" Care Act premiums are higher, deductibles are higher, choices are fewer, and the uninsured for the most part remain uninsured. ObamaCare doesn't just fail to fix any of those problems. It makes them worse.
We also know that when Obama promised, "If you like you plan, you can keep your plan — period," he was lying. And he knew he was lying. So what is the point of making an absolute mess of health care in America? In one of his "Rule of Law" columns a couple of days ago J. Christian Adams gave us a concrete example of what is the point.:
A settlement between California and left-wing groups begins to reveal the political architecture of Obamacare. From the ACLU press release:
In a victory for voting rights, the state of California has agreed to mail voter registration cards to nearly 4 million Californians who have signed up for health insurance through the state health exchange, Covered California, and to ensure that Californians who apply for health benefits through the exchange going forward are provided voter registration opportunities...
Here’s the simple version: Obamacare requires millions of people to interact with the government who never would have done so before. At the point of interaction, NVRA requires them to be pushed to register to vote. Presto. Millions of people are now touched by a political touch when they just wanted to see a doctor. The politicization of health care has a GOTV component for the Democrat party.
That's my emphasis above. In one way or another, that is what the Affordable Care Act was always intended to do — increase the number of voters who are more inclined to vote for a Democrat. If it costs the rest of us an arm and a leg and our healthcare, so be it.
If you happen to be one of those people who knew that ObamaCare couldn't possibly add millions to the insurance rolls without making healthcare more expensive and less available, guess what. You're the enemy. Defeating you is the cause that Bill Clinton urged the Netroots Convention to get behind when he envisioned those 30 or 40 years of progressive politics.
Now, you might be tempted to think progressives have embarked on their campaign to defeat you so that they can more easily implement their ever compassionate policies like ObamaCare. You have it backwards. ObamaCare is the means to defeat you. It provides a taxpayer funded recruitment mechanism that is intended to keep Democrats in power by overwhelming the voices of Americans who might be averse to wasteful spending in Washington. Democrats intend to keep the gravy train running. And isn't it funny how the money seems to rub off.
Update: The link I've been looking for!
The fact that Harry Reid’s political and influence operation includes his five children has been established for some time. A few weeks ago, when I first heard Reid accuse private citizens of being un-American, I dredged up a Los Angeles Times article from 2003 with the headline, “In Nevada, the Name to Know Is Reid.” Chuck Neubauer and Richard T. Cooper’s meticulously researched and reported article begins with the story of the “Clark County Conservation of Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002,” a land bill of the sort that puts people to sleep. “What Reid did not explain” when he introduced the bill in the Senate, Neubauer and Cooper wrote, “was that the bill promised a cavalcade of benefits to real estate developers, corporations, and local institutions that were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying fees to his sons’ and son-in-law’s firms.” I wonder why he left that part out.
Firms tied to the Reid family, the Los Angeles Times reported, earned more than $2 million from 1998 to 2002 “from special interests that were represented by the kids and helped by the senator in Washington.”
Does it ever rub off! This, along with that mess called ObamaCare, is what you get when you vote for a Democrat.