Fox News reports that all remaining charges against three Duke lacrosse players will be dropped within the next few days. In this highly publicized case the players had originally been charged with raping an exotic dancer at a Duke frat party. Rape charges were dropped earlier.
Inside Lacrosse Magazine writer Paul Caulfield told FOX News on Thursday that several sources have revealed to him that the assault and attempted kidnapping charges still pending against Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y.; Dave Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md.; and Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Falls, N.J., will soon be dropped.
Caulfield said his sources include more than just attorneys for the defense.
"There is no case here and they will be hearing a dismissal in the coming days," Caulfield told FOX News.
Credit Fox News with good timing. Just when congress is frothing at the mouth over the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, along comes Fox with this story to remind us all that there is such a thing as prosecutorial misconduct. You may recall that Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong finally admitted withholding exculpatory DNA evidence from the defense.
The former prosecutor in the Duke lacrosse sexual assault investigation faces a June 12 trial date on ethics charges stemming from his handling of the highly publicized case.
The North Carolina State Bar has charged Nifong with several violations of rules governing professional conduct, including withholding evidence from defense lawyers. He's also accused of lying to the court and to bar investigators, and making misleading and inflammatory comments about the players.
When the state's done with Nifong, the families of the accused players will get their turn with him in civil court. It ought to pretty interesting.