You may have noticed that my passion for blogging has cooled in the recent weeks. It began with the ice storm that left us without power for the five days, and unfortunately when power was restored the drive to resume blogging was not restored with it. This has more to do with world events than with personal circumstances.
Iraqi approval of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) has pretty much wrapped up the War in Iraq, or I should say, the Battle for Iraq. Obama's talk of yanking the troops to fight the War on Terror on its "real front" appears to have been, like everything else he's been saying, little more than campaign talk. Keeping Robert Gates in place as Secretary of Defense signals that he does not intend to imperil the progress in Iraq, even though things have gotten dicier in Afghanistan. SOFA makes it nearly impossible for Obama to simply punt and blame the ensuing failure on George Bush. Obama has been handed a victory, and if he can't maintain it he will be the one to take the heat.
On the domestic front, the economic situation gives Obama cover to propose his redistributionist policies and the Democratic congress will be happy to oblige. It could mean an avalanche of Democratic vote buying legislation, but then -- maybe not.
One of the more entertaining aspects of the recent election is the surprise in leftist circles at the moves Obama has made -- like keeping Robert Gates. No one had any idea what Obama was likely to do because his positions shifted to suit the campaign situation. That is, if you can call 180 degrees a shift. Meanwhile our fourth estate was too busy in Alaska investigating Bristol Palin to bother trying to pin him down. It ought to be interesting watching their journalistic contortions for the next four years.
In any case, although there is no lack of blog fodder out there, Libertarian Leanings will be published on a less frequent basis. I started this blog five years ago this coming April, intending to frame current events from the small-L libertarian perspective. As time went by the analysis gave way to short comments on the news of the day, until most recently I was just linking to interesting stories without even a comment. I hope now to return Libertarian Leanings to its original purpose.
I want to thank the folks who have taken the time to stop by over the years. It's an honor to write for you. I'll strive to do a better job of it going forward.