In an interview with the Washington Times former Clinton administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she opposes a "date certain" for withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.
Former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright said Thursday the Iraq war has created damaging consequences for U.S. diplomacy, but Washington should not agree to a specific deadline for withdrawing troops in the midst of conflict - something proposed last year by the candidate she now supports, Sen. Barack Obama.
"I never was for a date certain," Mrs. Albright told editors and reporters at The Washington Times. "In Bosnia, we gave a date certain, and then we couldn't get out and that undercut our credibility."
It's an interesting time for Albright to contradict the candidate she claims to support, unless you consider that Hillary's earliest opportunity to make another run at the White House is in 2012. But that can only happen if Obama is defeated in November. Are the Clintonistas mobilizing for Hillary?